Queer Crush
Queer Crush is a 501(c)3 non-profit established in May 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Since then, Queer Crush has expanded to over 30 chapters primarily in the western United States.
We host indoor and outdoor rock climbing meetups with the goal of creating safe and inclusive spaces for those who are diverse in their gender, romantic, and sexual orientations. Our events are open to individuals of all genders, romantic and sexual orientations, races, creeds, ages and abilities.
Compassionate Intent
Be kind and assume positive intent. Use positive reinforcement when interacting with others. Uplift peoples’ ideas and passions and connect them with positive action.
Communication is respectful, clear, open, inclusive, and effective - where everyone is heard and able to have a say.
Collaborative Leadership
We have shared purpose and a shared mission. Our leadership exceeds the sum of our parts, and focuses on growth and learning.
We respect three prongs of safety - personal, physical, and safety of the land. We use the platinum rule - understand what others want for themselves and respond to those requests.
We consider our impact on our community and aim to strengthen interconnecting bonds. We center the most marginalized, use and respect expertise, and are accountable to our communities.

Queer Crush is supported by generous sponsors, resource organizations, and gyms across the country who donate their space to allow us to host meetups.